News & Announcements
"MyNews" app is a citizen journalist mobile phone application that uses multimedia and geolocation to create real-time news which will be posted on website.
Armenian-Indian Center for Excellence in ICT (AITC) and Enterprise Incubator Foundation jointly with mLab are pleased to announce a new iPhone Programming (iOS) course.
Imagine Cup Armenia 2012 announced the national winners at the Awards Ceremony in Golden Tulip Hotel on May 2, 2012. Seven finalist teams pitched their innovative technology ideas to the grand jury comprised of leading technology and business professionals in Armenia...
This year, with the initiation of "Women and Information Society" NGO, “International Girls in ICT Day” will be celebrated in Armenia. The celebration is an excellent opportunity to encourage our girls to choose a career in ICT...
Open Innovation Africa Ideas Challenge (OIAS2 from Ideas to Innovation) is a global, open innovation competition, a challenge. Everyone that has an idea can participate. We believe that this challenge acts as a stimulating environment for entrepreneurs, students, SMEs, experienced professionals, researchers, local and regional actors, NGOs...
mLab ECA is in search of Designers who would visualize mobile application ideas and design them. Designer should support developers and staff to create visual designs for all interactive initiatives across our properties including websites, emails and other online media...
If you have basic knowledge of Objective-C (knowledge of Mac OS is a plus) for iOS, C# and Silverlight for Windows Phone, or Java for Android we offer you a chance to join our team...
On March 31 Enterprise Incubator Foundation /EIF/ within its Mlab Regional Mobile Laboratory Project held the last idea generation event for m2Work international Competition...
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On March 17, 2012 Enterprise Incubator Foundation's (EIF) mLab ECA held a promotion workshop for Mobile Microwork International contest “m2Work” at Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan.