Preparatory Summer Course for AppCampus Funding for Windows Phone Developers
Deadline extended up to July 26th!!!
mLab ECA Regional Mobile Applications Lab and Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia announce a summer program that will assist the Armenian startups/ teams to generate creative Windows Phone applications that can be submitted for funding to the AppCampus, mobile application accelerator program of Aalto University, Finland.
The program includes a number of parallel activities, including a training session on Windows Phone development, idea generation/brainstorming events, business and technological coaching, as well as assistance in developing the application package for AppCampus.
The best Windows Phone applications will be given an opportunity to get a grant funding from AppCampus in a range of 20,000-70,000 euro.
Why participate in this course ?
As a result of this program you will get:
- A better chances of getting AppCampus funding;
- experience in the development of real product;
- improved Windows Phone development skills;
- business and technological coaching;
- knowledge of WP key APIs, competitive advantage and marketplace rules for your apps; and
- opportunity to start and grow your own business.
How to Apply ?
The Program will be organized by mLab ECA and Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia FREE OF CHARGE. It will commence in the beginning of August and last for 2-3 months.
Basic knowledge of C# or Silverlight are required.
To apply, please send your CV to [email protected] and [email protected] mentioning AppCampus in the subject line before July 26.
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