Your Phone, Your Apps
Declaring the Spring 2012 time for Windows phone Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia and mLab ECA initiate “Your phone, Your apps” contest. Develop and send Your Windows phone applications by May 31, 2012 and get a chance to win Your Windows phone.
The contest is aimed at increasing the number of unique and useful applications in Windows phone marketplace and stimulates the interest of Armenian developers towards the dynamically growing market of Windows phone users.
The results of the contest will be summarized on 31 May, 2012. Two participants (one male and one female) with the highest number of applications uploaded to the marketplace will be awarded with Nokia Lumia 800. Moreover, on April 30, 2012 two winners (male and female) of the month will be announced based on the number of applications uploaded in April and will receive their Windows phones.
How to apply?
- Develop as many high quality unique applications as possible following the rules and policies mentioned below.
- Fill in and send the attached application form to [email protected].
- Applications are accepted from March 23, 2012 to May 31, 2012.
- Before being uploaded to the Windows phone marketplace the apps undergo a certification process which takes some time and is not controlled by the organizers of the contest.
- Only apps passing the certification and uploaded to marketplace are eligible for the contest.
- The organizers have a right to exclude similar applications giving priority to the one submitted earlier.
- Non-relevant applications and those not passing the certification will be returned to the author and can be sent again after the corrections are made.
- Content Policies
- Application Submission Requirements
- Technical Certification Requirements
- Additional Requirements for Specific Application Types
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- Content Policies
- Application Submission Requirements
- Technical Certification Requirements
- Additional Requirements for Specific Application Types
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